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Farming Field



We offer USPS Priority Mail flat rate shipping for orders less than 20 lbs.  Processing time is 1-3 business days depending on the season.  For orders greater than 20 lbs, we will need to customize your shipping.  Please contact us via phone or email and we will respond within 24 hours.  


We do offer discounts for orders greater than 30 lbs.  Contact us for more info.


Online payments via PayPal or credit/debit card are built in to the site.  For other payments options including cash or check, please contact us directly to set up your transaction.



We grow our garlic without any harmful chemicals or unnaturally occurring matter.  We grow safely so you can eat safely.  


How do I store garlic for planting?

Leave the skin on the bulbs, and store your garlic 45-55° F with an ambient humidity of 50% or less.  Also, don’t pack them heavily upon each other as this will promote rot. Think of them like an onion in the pantry. 


What kind of soil does garlic need?

Anything rich and well draining.  Our first harvest was planted in a deeply plowed clay mixture!  Your ag extension agent can test the soil and make recommendations for amendments as needed. 


Hey… these bulbs look a little iffy…

This is normal! We thought many of our first batch of seed were rotten and threw them out only to find them growing later. Unless it is completely mush, plant those bad boys. 


When do I plant?

2-6 weeks before frost and absolutely before the ground freezes. This gives them time to root in. Always plant with the tip up around 4-6” deep although some recommend as shallow as 2”. It depends on your climate as the soil is an insulation from the elements (warmer climate=shallow planting, heavy frosts=deeper)


To mulch or not to mulch, that is the question…

Mulching is meant to help (not eradicate!) weed control and act as a temperature buffer from extreme cold or heat.  


To water or not to water, that is another question…

Water is good, as long as plants are not soaking.  You don’t want your garlic to stress, but rot is a worse fate. 1/2” to 1” of water per week is ideal. Try to mimic a good rainfall if it’s lacking, but not everyday like you are in a rainforest. 


So, how do I know they are ready? 

Roughly 1 month before harvest, a little curved top called a scape will appear. Pluck the scapes off by the first set of leaves from the top when they are 12-15” long. In the weeks to come after this, look for the remaining 9-11 leaves to start turning yellow.  When there are about 4 dry tip leaves or 2-3 yellow/brown bottom leaves, pull them out laying leaves on top of bulbs to dry. 

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